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Juniper Networks Warrior

리얼타임 eBook



  • 저자 :
  • 출간 : 2012-11-13
  • 페이지 : 432 쪽
  • ISBN : 9781449316631
  • 물류코드 :16631
  • 초급 초중급 중급 중고급 고급
0점 (0명)
좋아요 : 16

In this practical book, Juniper Networks consulting senior network engineer, Peter Southwick, offers unique first-person field studies on designing, configuring, and troubleshooting new systems that are changing the networking world. Each chapter-long "travelogue" follows a team of Juniper Networks warriors as they solve specific needs with emerging network platform architectures.

In these case studies, Southwick and his fellow warriors analyze a client’s particular situation, arrive at an architectural solution, and work through the deployment details. For anyone who operates, installs, designs, or works in IT, this book provides an intimate and entertaining look at what’s changing and why.

Among the case studies, you’ll discover how:

  • A service provider protected customers from malicious traffic with Juniper Networks IDP systems
  • SRX5800s improved connectivity and security in a data center
  • Ethernet WAN technology was chosen as a storage solution, rather than a proprietary design on dark fiber
  • An enterprise severed communications between different departments to comply with government personal credit card standards
  • Core network and edge devices helped a power company serve local customers and ISPs in the data services market
  • A hosting company migrated its core, datacenter, edge, and access domains to a state-of-the-art network

"In this uniquely written book, you will get a detailed view of life in the data center, the edge, the core, and the office of the customer’s CIO."
Steve Fazio, CEO, TorreyPoint

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    리얼타임 eBook 안내

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    * 도서명 :
    Juniper Networks Warrior
    * 제목 :
    * 별점평가
    * 내용 :

    * 리뷰 작성시 유의사항

    글이나 이미지/사진 저작권 등 다른 사람의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 게시물은 이용약관 및 관련법률에 의해 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.

    1. 특히 뉴스/언론사 기사를 전문 또는 부분적으로 '허락없이' 갖고 와서는 안됩니다 (출처를 밝히는 경우에도 안됨).
    2. 저작권자의 허락을 받지 않은 콘텐츠의 무단 사용은 저작권자의 권리를 침해하는 행위로, 이에 대한 법적 책임을 지게 될 수 있습니다.

    오탈자 등록

    * 도서명 :
    Juniper Networks Warrior
    * 구분 :
    * 상품 버전
    종이책 PDF ePub
    * 페이지 :
    * 위치정보 :
    * 내용 :

    도서 인증

    Juniper Networks Warrior
    부가기호 안내

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    * 도서인증은 일 3권, 월 10권, 년 50권으로 제한되며 절판도서, eBook 등 일부 도서는 인증이 제한됩니다.

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